Funny Pangolin
The Pangolin are mammals that are scaly anteaters. This animal is unique in that it is the only mammal that has keratin scales that cover the skin. The Pangolin lives in areas that are tropical, such as Asia and Africa. The Pangolin is a nocturnal animal. They have a very good sense of smell that they use to locate insects. This animal spends much of its time asleep.In Africa, there are three separate types of the Pangolin. The most common type is the ground pangolin. The second one is the giant pangolin and the third one is the tree pangolin.
This animal has tails that are long and broad and a small head. The Pangolin does not have teeth. They also do not have external ears. Even so, they have good hearing.
The eyesight of the Pangolin is not good but they have a well developed sense of smell.
Almost one fourth of the weight of the Pangolin is made up of its skin and protective scales. The common Pangolin likes to reside in sandy soil and savannas and woodlands. They like being near the water.
The Pangolin is a nocturnal animal. During the day time they tend to remain in their burrow and sleep.
In most cases, this animal is solitary. The female spends most of her time with their young although sometimes the male will follow along.
At birth, the young pangolin is around 6 inches in length. They average about 12 ounces when they are born. By the second day, their scales begin to get harder. The babies are usually nursed for around 3 - 4 months. At the one month mark, they began to feed on termites. At the same time, the infant will begin riding along with its mother. If danger is sensed by the mother, she will put the baby under her. The mother will then roll up for protective measures.
Funny Pangolin
Funny PangolinFunny Pangolin
Funny Pangolin
Funny Pangolin
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